Friday, September 11, 2015

Scheduling Conflicts: Fear and Frustration or Positive Outlook and Outcomes?

I know that schools have to do strange things from time to time because of scheduling issues. This summer, my son and I were at a middle school with his friend to walk his new schedule for the upcoming school year. The friend found out that, due to scheduling, he was one of a small handful of seventh graders who would have to eat lunch with the eighth graders this school year.

Terror immediately struck the boy when he found out he would be eating with a huge group of older students whom he didn't know. I talked him through it by pointing out that he might meet a lot of eighth graders and have a whole new group of friends in the class above him. This might even present him with new opportunities, and he would probably end up being really happy with the situation.

I recently heard from a teacher who works with gifted students. She was facing a similar scheduling conflict that placed a third grade gifted student with a class of fourth grade gifted students for this school year. In years to follow, she would continue working with the gifted students in the grade level above hers. There was concern for this student because once she reached the fifth grade, she would've already completed the fifth grade work as a fourth grader.

The teacher and I talked about all of the positive opportunities that this girl might have, and that she might benefit from the situation in ways we could never predict. When she reaches fifth grade, the situation may have already resolved itself. If not, there will be may creative options that can be offered to her.

When bad or scary thing happen, I try to take a step back and remember that there is a master plan in this world. Our Creator has our best interests at heart, and He knows what he's doing. We should keep fighting for what we believe in, but feel confident with the outcome - whether we like it or not.
So keep looking up, and know that there is always light shining down from above.

Thanks to all of the hard working teachers out there who stand up for our children on a daily basis. Your concern, care and voice show that you want the best for every child you teach. We need more teachers like you!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Top Five Travel Must-Haves

Hello everyone!

I travel a lot, and over the years I've come to realize there are a few things I won't leave home without (in addition to the usual photo id, purse,
money, etc.).

1. My two door stops: The white one has a loud alarm and was under $15 at Target. The red one was around $25 and was from SkyMall. (Yes, I actually purchased something from SkyMall.) They both give me peace of mind when I'm in my hotel room. I mostly use the red one, but if I happen to get an adjoining room, I use the white one under that door. Both are small, lightweight and I just leave them in my suitcase at all times.

2. Antibacterial hand wipes: I love the travel size packets! But a plastic zipper bag with a handful from your larger container works great too. I keep them in my carry on bag to wipe my hands along with my airplane seat and tray table. I also pack some at the top of my checked bag. When I get into my hotel room, I sanitize everything I might touch (door handles, tv remote, table surfaces, etc.). It's the second thing I do once I'm in my room. What's the first thing? See number one above.   :)

3. An extra pillow case: I sleep so much better knowing that I have a clean layer between my face and the pillow case that may or may not have been changed or may have been changed then dropped on the floor, etc. I have a friend who brings her own sheets too. I haven't done that yet because I'm usually close to my baggage weight limit. However, it's not a bad idea...

4. Extra pairs of socks: My bare feet never touch a hotel carpet or floor. That also includes the bathtub or shower floor. Yes, I sometimes wear socks when taking a shower at a hotel. I may clean the floor with antibacterial wipes instead or I might place a towel on the floor of the shower.

5. Snacks: Airport snacks are so expensive! You'll pay $3 or more dollars for a little trail mix if you wait to buy it at an airport. As long as you're not bringing liquids, it's okay to bring a snack or two through security. I've even packed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich once or twice. That can save a lot of money if you'll need a meal while you're in flight or between flights! No refrigeration needed for peanut butter and jelly. If I'm driving a long distance, I usually don't like to stop much. I am a snacker, though, so I'll fill my little cooler bag before I hit the road. One salty snack, one sweet snack and some fresh items are my top choices. Water too, of course. I pack double so I have enough for the ride home, too. If I don't eat my first batch of snacks on my way there, I usually appreciate having it in my hotel room later on that night.

I hope this gave you a few ideas for your next travel experience! Please comment with your additional suggestions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dogs Deserve Challenge Too!

It’s always so much fun when we empty a berry container at our house. We put a treat in the container then snap it shut and slide it to Bailey. It usually takes her about five to ten minutes, but eventually she is able to open the container and get the treat. A delicious reward for a job well done! Below are a few other fun ideas to challenge and entertain your doggie. Note: I always tell Bailey to stay in the kitchen if it’s a mess is at all possible.

Treat inside a cereal box (plastic bag removed)
Plastic bottle (no lid) with small treats or kibble inside
Plastic water bottle wrapped in an old t-shirt or tied into an old tube sock
Butter tub with a treat or kibble
Tennis ball wrapped with an old shirt and tied with a rope
An empty milk jug
A mostly empty peanut butter container (no lid)

There are so many creative ways you can give your dog simple and fun challenges. I hope these give you a few ideas.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring Bluebonnets Have Arrived in Texas!

Taking a drive down to San Antonio a few weeks ago left me so uplifted. Wildflowers have always been a passion of mine. When I was young, we often traveled “Up North” in Michigan to our cabin. Thirty-six acres of peaceful woods, hills and river to explore. My favorite pastime was taking long walks to explore the terrain. I hiked, climbed, listened and looked. Many times I would crouch down and observe closely to see things that normally go unnoticed - tiny fungi, bugs, rotted wood that had turned blue and so much more. The best discoveries were wildflowers, mushrooms (especially morels!), edible berries and unique rocks. The Michigan woods awoke my passion for nature, and grew it as well.

About a year and a half ago, we moved to Texas. Although we now live far from our extended family and the beauty of Michigan, I look at this as an opportunity to see and learn new plant and animal life. There’s a creek that runs a street over from our house that’s nestled deep at the bottom of rocked walls. It’s filled with all kinds of new critters learn about. I’ve seen cougar a few times, coyote, lizards, snakes and more rabbits that I could ever count. I’m learning new trees, observing beautiful birds and seeing amazing wildflowers painted like rainbows across large open fields.

When I drive from Dallas south through Austin and on to San Antonio I catch myself gasping at the beautiful wildflowers. (Thank you Lady Bird Johnson!) I’ve even been known to take the service drive for miles just so that I can slow down and soak up their beauty. For some reason, flowers are mesmerizing to me. Since I was little, a dream of mine has always been to run through a field completely packed with wildflowers. My dream has finally come true here in Texas. Happy spring everyone! I hope that you find small pleasures on a daily basis and that your dreams come true.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Recycling Pickle Juice (No Joke!)

So you have a favorite jar of pickles and the last pickle was just eaten. Don’t be sad... Slice up a couple of fresh cucumbers, add them to the leftover juice and place them in the refrigerator for three to seven days. Voila! Yummy pickles again, and at a much cheaper price. Other tasty ideas for reusing pickle juice: add to potato salad, use as a marinade for meat, add into deviled eggs or mix with mayo for a zingy sandwich spread. When you’re finally done with the juice but still have some left over, try pouring it on those stubborn weeds outside then laugh right back at them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Save Money by Dog Grooming at Home

Does your dog love to be brushed? Most dogs do. And for Bailey and I, it’s always been a bonding time. So after a few extremely expensive dog grooming trips (and me thinking that I don’t even spend money on my own haircuts and nails!) I decided to try it myself. I waited until Bailey just started looking like she needed a trim (a few weeks after being groomed). I took her outside with the brush and a small, sharp blunt-ended pair of scissors. Actually, they are just kid’s school scissors I picked up in the school supply aisle. I began brushing Bailey and added in a few clips here and there between brushes. Simple! And since it hadn’t been long since she’d been groomed, I could easily follow their cut. After a few sessions of this, (and a treat when she was finished, of course) I now bathe her, dry her, brush her and cut her myself. I’ve also gone online to learn how to clean her ears and cut her nails. She loves it so much that I don’t even need to use a leash to keep her near. It’s amazing how much this activity (which started out as a money-saver) has built so much trust between us. She looks forward to her grooming - and to her after-grooming treat. As a side note, if you don’t have a bug chunk of time for grooming, you can handle the process in small chunks. Wash and dry one day; brush and cut the next. Have fun grooming and saving a big chunk of cash!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Laundry Piles: The Bright Side of Too Much Laundry

Are you faced (yet again!) with those foreboding loads of laundry? 

How about a new thought? “I am so thankful to have a wonderful husband and children who create all of this laundry. If they weren’t here creating this dirty laundry, I wouldn’t have such joy in my life.” Then dig in!

I’m happy when washing laundry and folding laundry because it means I have special people in my life. Okay - I’m not always jumping for joy when there's laundry to do, but when I start to dread it, I think those happy thoughts and it’s much easier to tackle. Happy folding!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Welcome to the rose-colored blog, where life is rose-colored even when things may not seem perfect. Together, let’s find the happy! As an author of curriculum materials for gifted students, public speaker, educational consultant, owner of a publishing company, Wife and Mom (capitalization deliberate: these are my most important roles!), I’m always searching for creativity and beauty. Because of my unique and diverse experiences, my life is touched by special observations, people and experiences. My purpose for this blog is to share unique thoughts and ideas while spreading goodwill.