Friday, September 11, 2015

Scheduling Conflicts: Fear and Frustration or Positive Outlook and Outcomes?

I know that schools have to do strange things from time to time because of scheduling issues. This summer, my son and I were at a middle school with his friend to walk his new schedule for the upcoming school year. The friend found out that, due to scheduling, he was one of a small handful of seventh graders who would have to eat lunch with the eighth graders this school year.

Terror immediately struck the boy when he found out he would be eating with a huge group of older students whom he didn't know. I talked him through it by pointing out that he might meet a lot of eighth graders and have a whole new group of friends in the class above him. This might even present him with new opportunities, and he would probably end up being really happy with the situation.

I recently heard from a teacher who works with gifted students. She was facing a similar scheduling conflict that placed a third grade gifted student with a class of fourth grade gifted students for this school year. In years to follow, she would continue working with the gifted students in the grade level above hers. There was concern for this student because once she reached the fifth grade, she would've already completed the fifth grade work as a fourth grader.

The teacher and I talked about all of the positive opportunities that this girl might have, and that she might benefit from the situation in ways we could never predict. When she reaches fifth grade, the situation may have already resolved itself. If not, there will be may creative options that can be offered to her.

When bad or scary thing happen, I try to take a step back and remember that there is a master plan in this world. Our Creator has our best interests at heart, and He knows what he's doing. We should keep fighting for what we believe in, but feel confident with the outcome - whether we like it or not.
So keep looking up, and know that there is always light shining down from above.

Thanks to all of the hard working teachers out there who stand up for our children on a daily basis. Your concern, care and voice show that you want the best for every child you teach. We need more teachers like you!